Monday, January 17, 2011

NaNoWriMo 2010 - Finally Finished This Draft: 76,771 Words

A few moments ago I finally finished the first draft of this post-apocalyptic novel ("beta novel") I've been working on. It took another month and a half to write the additional 25,000 words. Though I wrote the ending during the NaNo the story ended in a completely different way. The Epilogue is similar but the explanation of what's really happening surprised me. Very strange. I'm not sure what to make of it but now is not the time to figure it out.

What's going to happen next is I'll put this novel aside and work on getting the Historical novel ("alpha novel") going again. Hopefully I'll finish it by the end of this year. I'll be surprised if I finish it sooner than that. After I'm done with the alpha novel, I'll take another look at this beta novel and see what I think of the story and if it warrants more work.

I must say I'm very tired and I'd planned to finish this novel sometime by the end of the week but this afternoon it became clear I was on a good roll and ready to finish so I just plowed straight through.

I'm looking forward to working on the alpha novel again and eager to get started. It will be such a relief to go back to being immersed in that world again.

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